
2015 05May UXPA Boston conference-25-Edit

Eva Kaniasty currently serves as Chair of the Brandeis Master in UCD program, is a former board member and president of User Experience Professionals Association Boston(2011-2017), and is a frequent speaker at local and national conferences.

She has taught online at, and has lectured at General Assembly Boston and Bentley University.

UXPA Boston

Featured Publications

5 Mistakes Companies Make When Testing With Users

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Coming Soon

UXPA Boston 2019 Conference
In this participatory, debate-style panel session, we will cover several controversial topics around UX and innovation.

Ladies that UX, Boston

Featured Presentations
Other Talks & Professional Activities

UXPA International Conference
Puerto Rico, June 2018

IGNITE: Using Design Psychology for Good and Evil
UXPA International Conference
Puerto Rico, June 2018

User Experience Boston 2017
Boston, MA

Big Design 2016
Dallas, TX

BusinessTown Video
Fall 2016

Cameo: Empathy in User Research (6:30)
WeWork/Tomer Sharon

Product Camp Boston 2016
Cambridge, MA

Speed Networking Facilitator

UXPA Boston User Experience Conference / April 2016

UXPA New Hampshire Monthly Meeting / January 2016
UXPA DC / October 2015
UXPA Boston User Experience Conference / May 2015

UX Vermont / June 2015
UXPA Boston User Experience Conference / May 2015

UX Fair

UX Fair Facilitator
10 minute Talk: Information Architecture
November 2014

UXPA Boston User Experience Conference
May 2014

UX and Tech Communication: Bridging the Gap

Boston CHI Monthly Meeting
April 2014
with Nancy Allison and Chris Laroche

Building a UX Portfolio

Bentley University
December 2013
with Rob Fitzgibbon, Chris Laroche, Dani Nordin and Chauncey Wilson

Trends in User Experience

Bentley University
November 2011
with Dan Berlin, Anne Mamaghani, Tomer Sharon and Beth Sherman

(Idea Market Facilitator)
User Experience Conference, Atlanta GA, June 2011

User Experience Conference, Atlanta GA, June 2011
Panelists: Rich Buttiglieri, Jen McGinn, Michael Hawley, Steve Krug, Bob Thomas

Barcamp Boston 6
Boston’s geek unconference, organized on the fly by attendees, for attendees.
April 2011

Mass Innovation Nights
March 2011

UXPA Boston Conference May 2012 with Bob Thomas, Jen McGinn, Steve Krug, Dharmesh Mistry, Kyle Soucy & Carolyn Snyder

New Hampshire UPA Meeting, January 11, 2012 with Jen McGinn, Dharmesh Mistry, Kyle Soucy & Carolyn Snyder

You don’t have to be Jared Spool or Jakob Nielsen to get people to listen.
(Workshop Leader)
Public Speaking Workshop
Boston UXPA
March 2010

Boston User Experience Conference
May 2009
with Joshua Ledwell

Boston UPA/IxDA Event, September 2010
with Dan Berlin

Boston User Experience Conference
May 2007
with Debbie Cook & Andrew Wirtanen